
The master planning deliberates on site’s surrounding and seeks to maximise accessibility and connectivity: 24-hour walkways and circulation were designed to provide easy access to functions and amenities within and outside the site boundary. A central elevated walkway, installed with ample greenery, acts as the main gateway to circulate between the buildings across the two phases. “We place the taller office towers in the north as the backdrop of the development, overlooking the low-rise building blocks, each designed with their own courtyard that connects to the spine of the central walkway.” Aedas Global Design Principal David Clayton explained.项目布局The layout环形动线及极佳的连通性The circulation and excellent connectivity立体多层通廊3D connection设计从纸艺折剪中汲取灵感,以交织的线条来塑造贯穿办公大楼园区的景观和通道,其中交汇点是重要的室内外社交活动空间,通过中央绿轴无缝连接,在视觉上增强了片区的完整性。

出 彩名为“出彩”的雕塑,犹如一只正在点赞的手,由枕簧、铁皮等焊接而成。

The master planning deliberates on site’s surrounding and seeks to maximise accessibility and connectivity: 24-hour walkways and circulation were designed to provide easy access to functions and amenities within and outside the site boundary. A central elevated walkway, installed with ample greenery, acts as the main gateway to circulate between the buildings across the two phases. “We place the taller office towers in the north as the backdrop of the development, overlooking the low-rise building blocks, each designed with their own courtyard that connects to the spine of the central walkway.” Aedas Global Design Principal David Clayton explained.项目布局The layout环形动线及极佳的连通性The circulation and excellent connectivity立体多层通廊3D connection设计从纸艺折剪中汲取灵感,以交织的线条来塑造贯穿办公大楼园区的景观和通道,其中交汇点是重要的室内外社交活动空间,通过中央绿轴无缝连接,在视觉上增强了片区的完整性。


巴黎圣母院(Notre-Dame de Paris)是法国最著名的建筑物之一,也是世界上最受欢迎的旅游景点之一。它建于13世纪,是巴黎市中心最古老的教堂之一。教堂的钟楼和尖塔高耸入云,给人以震撼人心的感觉。在教堂内,你可以欣赏到精美的壁画和雕塑,以及世界上最著名的钟楼之一。

”北方狭口蛙——胡同里的“气鼓子” 北方狭口蛙。




3. 纽约自由女神像

5. 富士山:富士山是日本的一座山峰,是日本的象征之一。富士山海拔3,776米,是日本最高峰之一。富士山的山顶海拔高度较高,因此山顶的景色非常壮观,是许多人前往日本旅行的必去之地。