
2. 伦敦塔桥(Lumièreière):伦敦塔桥是伦敦的标志性建筑之一,也是世界上最受欢迎的旅游景点之一。这座桥建于18世纪,跨越了泰晤士河,是伦敦最受欢迎的景点之一。每年有数百万游客来到伦敦,只为参观这座古老的桥梁。

The master planning deliberates on site’s surrounding and seeks to maximise accessibility and connectivity: 24-hour walkways and circulation were designed to provide easy access to functions and amenities within and outside the site boundary. A central elevated walkway, installed with ample greenery, acts as the main gateway to circulate between the buildings across the two phases. “We place the taller office towers in the north as the backdrop of the development, overlooking the low-rise building blocks, each designed with their own courtyard that connects to the spine of the central walkway.” Aedas Global Design Principal David Clayton explained.项目布局The layout环形动线及极佳的连通性The circulation and excellent connectivity立体多层通廊3D connection设计从纸艺折剪中汲取灵感,以交织的线条来塑造贯穿办公大楼园区的景观和通道,其中交汇点是重要的室内外社交活动空间,通过中央绿轴无缝连接,在视觉上增强了片区的完整性。

1. 巴黎圣母院大教堂




是获得 ISO9001 认证的软件,并且完全达到了核工业严格制定的软件验证标准(10CFR Part 50、10CFR 21 及 ASME NQA-1-2000)。

To bring green landscaping into the office buildings, green atria are set on the south corner of each building, carving out social gathering spaces that serves to encourage communications, sharing ideas in a positive, laidback working environment. It is conducive to creating a visual of vertical greenery, in which spectators gaze move fluidly from the roof garden upwards through atriums and to balconies. The design includes rooftop gardens and internal courtyards that are semi-enclosed, idyllic spaces, featuring an amphitheatre which can be used to host activities such as seminars, press conferences, training and tech exhibitions.一期的绿色中庭Phase 1 design features内部庭院Internal courtyard露天剧场amphitheatre为了区分不同功能空间,同时又不影响项目的整体性,设计对办公塔楼的立面进行了特殊处理,在一致连贯的建筑语言之下,通过不同的材料及色调,为每座塔楼打造了不同的立面,形成鲜明的特征。


3. 东京塔
